“It all begun with an idea. An idea to combine a place for holistic wellbeing, with many services in the one place. a place to reconnect, relax, restore and renew.”

Hi, I’m leanne oliveira

I have dreamt of a wellness clinic for many years, about 13 years to be more specific. When I had my firstborn, I felt tired and struggled to find time for self-care, let alone time to go to multiple places to get the treatments and therapies my body and mind needed. It made me think, why couldn’t there be a place that had multiple services under one roof. Somewhere that focussed on all dimensions of well-being. A place with a holistic approach that would combine mind, body and spirit.

As a nurse of 27 years in women’s health, focussing on Gynaecological Oncology and IVF, I have seen first-hand, so many beautiful women that are burnt out and have left themselves till last. The guilt starts to seep in. Stress and anxiety end up overwhelming us daily, just trying to ascertain a particular standard that we as women feel we need to do, especially at the levels society has told us to. You cannot pour from an empty cup and so many of these women were struggling both mentally and physically. 

Cosmetic nursing was always something I was interested in, and 7 years ago it all seemed to just fall into place. I was encouraged by my friend that owned a cosmetic clinic in Sydney to go along to a training day. It was there that I connected with a prior colleague of mine who happened to be the one conducting the training. Dr May Marr, a renowned aesthetic practitioner and dermatologist in Lennox Heads. And the rest was history! It was a match made in heaven and my love for aesthetics just continued to grow. 

I had one on one training with Dr May Marr in her clinic for one and a half years. The training was like no other. What I learned in her treatment room was that giving the gift of confidence is truly remarkable. The patient's inner transformation was just as incredible as the outer transformation. This is where I found my understanding of self-love and confidence on a completely new level. 

Mental wellness needs to be a priority for us to be able to be better versions of ourselves. I have taken the steps myself to be able to focus on my own self-care. I have learnt to say no and learn to appreciate myself.

Around 3 years ago, I experienced my first bout of salt therapy. A yoga class with a friend in a salt room opened up my mind to new healing techniques. With my mother with heart and lung conditions and my father with psoriasis and osteoarthritis, I sent them to the salt rooms in Sydney. Seeing the difference in their health was amazing to think this mineral was capable of helping so many conditions. I knew that salt therapy had to be a part of RE/WIND.

I have worked tirelessly over the last few years researching, sourcing, and gathering the right team and services that suit my ethics.

RE/WIND and the entire team has evolved organically over time and each member of the team share the same love for building self-confidence, nurturing and encouraging self-love. All of the beautiful women that are a part of the RE/WIND team offer an individualised treatment plan to every client. They’re highly trained and experienced whilst being down to earth and accepting every person unconditionally. 

Through all of the years, of blood sweat and tears, I have been able to create a sanctuary where you can take a moment for relaxation, renewal, restoration and soul-soothing.

The space is divine. Luxurious, focussed on calming and relaxing those who walk through the doors. Classes are limited to a small group of 4 to ensure the space is kept in a slow-paced, relaxing and quiet environment ensuring you receive the royal treatment each and every time.